Sweden Makes Strides in Online Gambling Regulation But Falls Short of Channeling Target


Fresh research from the Swedish Betting Association (BOS) indicates that 77% of the Swedish internet gambling sector operates through authorized providers. This signifies that more than three-fourths of online wagering in Sweden occurs on platforms that are licensed and overseen by the Swedish Gambling Authority.

Although this is a promising indicator, it remains below the government’s objective of 90%. The research, carried out by Skop, polled nearly 10,000 individuals and discovered that approximately 3,000 of them engaged in online gambling at least once every three months.

The investigation also unveiled intriguing observations regarding the forms of gambling most prevalent online. Sports wagering boasted the highest channeling proportion at 84%, while internet casinos followed closely at 72%.

Efforts are still required to achieve the 90% channeling goal, but this research demonstrates that Sweden is advancing in overseeing its online gambling sector.

The Swedish government has ambitious goals for their internet infrastructure. They hope to achieve internet accessibility comparable to their neighbor, Denmark, which boasts an impressive ninety percent coverage. Currently, Sweden trails behind with a significantly lower seventy-seven percent, a figure that is widely considered inadequate in today’s digital landscape.

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