Australian Senate Outlaws Online Poker, Leaving Players in Limbo
## Online Wagering Prohibited in Australia, Leaving Poker Enthusiasts Uncertain
Despite strong opposition from domestic players, the Australian Senate has enacted legislation effectively prohibiting internet gambling nationwide. The measure, titled the Interactive Gambling Amendment Bill 2016, modifies the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 and embodies the government’s reaction to a 2015 assessment regarding the consequences of illicit offshore wagering.
This revised law, taking effect within a month, will result in the prohibition of all virtual casinos and poker platforms within Australia. Nevertheless, local news outlets indicate that strategies to restrict access to unauthorized internet service providers utilized by Australian players will not be enforced immediately.
The Senate’s action transpires merely a week after its Environment and Communications References Committee conducted a public forum on “Australian involvement with online poker.” The forum featured statements from domestic online poker players and other concerned individuals who appealed for poker to be excluded from the internet gambling ban.
During the forum, poker enthusiasts and other relevant parties were granted the chance to express their viewpoints on whether online poker should be prohibited and, if not, to furnish justifications for their position.
Congressman David Leyonhjelm has consistently advocated for internet poker. He contends that it’s a game of ability, not luck, therefore it shouldn’t be categorized with casino games and prohibited. He prefers a controlled environment where authorities can monitor activities and generate revenue.
Sadly, his message seems to be falling on deaf ears. Many prominent online poker platforms, such as PokerStars and 888poker, are unwilling to risk it. They’ve already withdrawn from the Australian market instead of waiting to see the outcome.